Saturday, 5 April 2008

Angels and Saints, fine, but I go straight to God

Of course, you do not need angels and saints. Yes, you can go straight to God. I also at times go straight to God. But have you ever walked in a garden and saw how beautiful were the flowers, how majestic were the trees, how lovely were the many songs of nature. Have you never looked upon such things and thanked God for them. Were they not an inspiration for prayer. There are many beautiful things in the world and there is nothing more beautiful than someone who has given themselves entirely to God in the service of others. St Maximillian Kolbe gave his life for the father of a family in Dachau. He simply stepped forward and took the man`s place. "Who are you?" he was asked. "I am a Catholic priest". Then there is the beautiful story of St Maria Goretti who died forgiving the older boy who had tried to rape her. And her forgiveness was repeated when the boy became a man and having served his time in prison met the mother. "Maria forgave you, God forgave you, so I also forgive you" the mother said and took the man, Francesco, almost as her son. Mother Teresa looking after the dying in the streets of Calcutta. Poor, diseased and unwanted except by Mother and those who had given their lives to God. Heaven is full of such beautiful people and they should be an inspiration to everyone who claims to love God. This is what the Catholic Church calls `The Communion of Saints`. They who are now glorified in heaven pray for their brothers and sisters on earth (Is there any reason why they should stop praying) and we on earth ask them for their prayers. We are after all still the One Body of Christ. If we love the beautiful things of earth let us not neglect the beautiful things of heaven.

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