Wednesday, 2 April 2008

The Priesthood

We read in Luke 10 how Jesus sent 72 disciples ahead of Him into the towns and villages He would visit. They would preach the Word and heal the sick. But why 72? This was not random number but was a reminder of what happened when Moses was on the Mountain in the Old Testament. Seventy on the mountain began to prophecy in the name of God and two in the camp did likewise. These became the priests of the Jewish people, offering the sacrifices of bullocks and goats. But this new 72 would be called to make the spotless sacrifice of Jesus, the sacrifice prefigured by Melchisidech when he offered bread and wine to the Lord. "Thou art a priest forever according to the order of Melchisidech the priests are told at ordination. They will offer bread and wine but this will be changed into the Body and Blood of Christ, the perfect offering to the Father. Wherever the Catholic Church goes she sets up her altars of Sacrifice recallling to mankind the death of Jesus on the Cross for our sins. It is to the saying of this Mass that priests dedicate their lives. They do not marry but in the imitation of Christ they give their whole lives to the work of our Father in Heaven. In this world today where taking whatefer you can get is the rule, the idea that anyone can give up sex in anathema. It is not only the celibacy of priests that is called into question but the idea that Catholic young people can live chastily before marriage. Yes it is true that in the early Church married men became priests but they had to promise in doing so to give up sexual relationships with their spouses. As the Church expanded this was a necessary way of supplying priests for the people. But even then it was a struggle as many forgot their promise. It was often put forward that they should be allowed to enjoy the fullness of marriage and the priesthood. The Council of Elvira in the 5th Century ruled "We cannot change a practice which has been handed down to us from the Apostles" When the Orthodox Church broke away in the 7th Century they gave in to the demands and allowed priests to be fully married, but not bishops. A great deal of froth was spilt when it was found that a few Catholic Priests had been abusing children. Of course, this is disgusting and disgraceful and something of which all Catholics should be ashamed but the way the media pounced on the Catholic Church was appalling. There is more child abuse in schools and other institutions and the number of priests in prison for abuse number very few against the totality. But bigotry will out as it must. 99.9% of priests have never molested a child in their lives though the media would have us believe differently. On the altar the priest is there `in the person of Christ`. Through his words and the power of the Spirit bread and wine are changed into the Body and Blood of Christ substantially present on the altar. There is no longer bread, there is no longer wine. Recently the body of St Padre Pio was exhumed. Although there had been corruption through death his hands were totally preserved. As on bishop said "It was as though they had just been manicured" No other hands held the Living Christ so humbly and offered Mass so worthily. The Mass is the most beautiful presence of God among us. Pray for the Catholic Faith. Pray for the Catholic Church.

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