Monday, 14 April 2008

But Catholics with all these gifts are not better than anyone else.

This unfortunately is the overall picture of Catholics in Britain. Maybe they have larger congregations and thus give more to the poor, but their every day lives are no different. How I wish I could contradict this. How I wish I could point to thousands of Catholic families living in the harmony of love with husbands loving wives and wives loving husbands to such a degree that the hatred of Divorce Jesus mentioned in Matthew 19 was a reality in their lives. AFter he talked about Divorce Jesus turned to the subject of children and this is no coincidence. Children are the greatest victims of Divorce. But from the seventies `clever people` took control of the Church in Britain and demanded that divorced people have a right to Holy Communion and divorce be recognised by the Church so that second marriages can be `regularised`. I once attended a Catechesis Course where a leading catechist almost stamped her feet as she declared the Church must change its teaching on Divorce, Abortion, and Contraception. Now let me say at once I am not prone to individual judgements. When the clever catholics took over after Humanae Vitae to show how clever they were to disagree with the Church anyone who disagreed with them was `judgemental` So they introduced into the Catholic Church everything that Pope Paul VI had warned about in his encyclical. But they were blinded by their own pride. Contraception began the downfall of all moral principles. Sex outside marriage became the accepted norm as love and sex began to mean the same thing. This led to the destabilising of marriage. Worse, homosexuals began to question why free love was OK for heterosexuals but not for them. The same bishops agreed and called it `compassion`. They cared not for the self destruction button they had handed out. Rather than face up to the problems that every family is now facing, a daughter who is a single mother, a daughter who has had an abortion. Young people sexually active from one partner to another and experiencing hurt and rejection, sexual abuse and often such poor self-images that they turn to drugs and even suicide, the Bishops of England have completely ignored the young people. This led an MP Mr Sheerman, of the Family, School, and Children`s committee to state that `Faith schools do better when nobody takes Faith too seriously. This was the assurance he had from the Catholic Hierarchy, although one troublesome Bishop, O`Donghue of Lancaster was summoned to appear before th committee because he was threating to teach the children Catholic morality and seperate sex and love again . Catholics should be served better than this and the Church should have responsible Bishops. Any convert to the Church whow wants to follow the teachings of Jesus must be aware of the true nature of the Catholic Church in Britain and the threat in schools and parishes to their children and join with those who want to return to the vision of Jesus, a Church that is living his message from the Father and building a society based on true family values - husband wife and children, the domestic Church, finding a way to live the gospel together and through their love finding holiness. The infrastructure for peace in the world is not political activity and shouting in the streets but children being raised in warm and loving families.

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