Thursday, 27 March 2008

I Love this Church.

I love this Church that gave me life And all my hunger fed, I love this Church where Jesus Christ Still gives Himself in bread O grant me Lord this one desire That I so worthy be That were I tested by the fire Then I would die for Thee. This is the verse of a poem I wrote so many years ago that this is the only verse I remember. Perhaps like Peter if the test really came I would run away but I pray that like him I would weep and repent. As his disciples we often want to keep out of `harms way`. There are a thousand reasons we should not go about talking about our Catholic Faith. Yet none of these are as good as the reason why we should. If the people next door do not know you are catholic and you have lived there for many years then something surely is wrong. Do you just say "Hello" or "Goodbye" do you not give them the prayer as you leave "God bless you" There are so many things that are so beautiful and attractive in our Church yet we are afraid of criticism so we do not mention them. Why not let your neighbour know there is Adoration on in your Church when you pass them. You know what you say to yourslef "It is none of their business" But it is. What an opportunity to tell them about the great gift of the Blessed Sacrament. When people come in to your house do they see any Holy Pictures or Crucifixes. Well maybe you do not want them to know you are Religious `nuts`. Catholics are well accomplished in hiding their faith. But why? It is a joy. We have Jesus in the Blessed Sacrament, we have our Mother Mary, we have the Saints, we have the angels. Heaven is almost there for us to touch. And to help us love Jesus even more we have the Rosary. Before we started the Rosary in Church after morning Mass my wife and I would walk along the street saying it in a quiet voice, our Roeary beads in our pockets. I decided no, I would be more confortable holding my Rosary in my hands. One day a man shouted from his door "Say one for me" We smiled back at him and did. But let me not pretend we have no problems in our lives. That we sail through life in a cloud of happiness. No there are the times of sadness and the times we are tested. But always, we pray, we trust and we do not worry. In this blog I want to introuduce you to this Church I claim I would die for.

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